Make Work Even Easier: Customize Your AP Process with Mekorma

Custom Coding
Boun Phommarath , Customer Success Consultant Nov 23, 2021 ERP Optimization

Dancing Bears, anyone?

Organizations rely on a variety of software and applications to do good business. As a user of that software, if your business has very specific requirements, at some point you hear that familiar voice in your head “If only it could do x...y...and maybe even z.”

As a member of Mekorma’s Customer Success team, I handle customizations. My job is to add special features that aren’t included in out-of-the box Dynamics GP or Mekorma products, so you don’t have to do complicated tricks or workarounds.

I am often asked by our customers what kinds of customizations we do, and I like to joke “We can make GP get on its hind legs and dance around like a circus bear, so you don’t have to!”

This article will describe some of the custom features we’ve implemented for clients to help with check printing or other AP tasks. Perhaps you’ll find some inspiration!

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What sort of customizations do you need?

You may not know this, but most of our products began as customer requests. Even today, when we complete a custom project, we consider whether the new features will be useful to other businesses. Those that make the grade can become a standard part of our enterprise level product.

Typically, our clients request features, enhancements, or changes to our existing software that make their daily work easier.

Here are some common examples that have enhanced Mekorma Payables and Payroll check printing:

  1. Custom check sorting:
    We can apply a custom sorting rule based on criteria unsupported by Dynamics GP or Mekorma check printing >>
    For example, one of our customers sorts checks by Shipment Method. This is important because they print many checks from one location, and the payments need to be distributed to different departments within their company.

  2. Print third party information onto checks:
    You may want data from third-party products to print on your checks. Our team can pull data from non-GP databases and even the cloud >>
    For example, many clients require that specific information from popular products like Extender and Comprehensive Leave Management be displayed. Insurance claim companies have requested that we pull data for Explanation of Benefits, providing additional information for the check amount.

  3. Calculated, Formatted and Conditional Fields:
    Sometimes existing fields aren’t sufficient to convey data effectively. This is where our custom can create calculated and formatted fields to meet your needs >>
    For example, the Vendor address is composed of many fields (Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State, Zip). To display this properly on a check, you’ll need a calculated field that can intelligently put all the fields together.  Scenarios include ignoring Address 2 and 3 if they’re empty or formatting the Zip Code properly for different countries. We can also show and hide fields based any criteria.

The Sky is the Limit

You’re not limited to assistance with check printing functionality. Our team has also been able to:

  • Build new inquiry windows or reports that better summarize data from multiple sources; the information is displayed in one convenient window.

  • Print check copies into PDF files for archiving.

  • Customize EFT files that can be submitted to your bank.

Especially with Dynamics GP support for newer technology like VS Tools, Service Based Architecture and Power Platform, we can really make magic. Do you want to see GP data on your phone? Would you like to mass import transactions into GP from a custom application? We can help!

How to contact us for a consultation?

Do you have an idea for a customization that would make your work easier? Or a process problem you need to solve? Simply fill in this form. I look forward to hearing from you!

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